*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary from patient to patient based upon the circumstances and the patient’s specific situation, as well as the time taken to see final results.

If you suffer from hair loss, there are treatments available that will help stimulate hair growth and rejuvenation.

Hair loss can be a sensitive subject for those suffering from the condition. Be it due to medical reasons or hereditary, the topic of hair loss is often avoided. The condition can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and those who do tackle loss of hair each day may choose to cover it up with hairstyles, makeup, hats or scarves.  People who notice that their hair is falling out, or appearing in large amounts on their comb or brush should consult with a dermatologist, and with a correct diagnosis, the causes of hair loss can be helped. A dermatologist will evaluate a patient’s hair-loss problem to find the cause which in turn will help them determine whether the problem will resolve on its own or medical treatment is needed.

Normal Hair Growth

  • About 90 percent of the hair is growing at one time and the growth phase lasts between two and six years.
  • Ten percent of the hair is in a resting phase that lasts two or three months, and at the end of its resting stage the hair is shed.
  • When a hair is shed, a new hair from the same follicle replaces it and the growing cycle starts again.
  • Scalp hair grows about one-half inch per month, but as people age their rate of hair growth slows.
  • Most hair shedding is due to the normal hair cycle and losing 50 to 100 hairs per day is expected and is no cause for alarm.

Causes of Excessive Hair Loss

  • Improper Chemical Treatments

    Many men and women use chemical treatments on their hair, including dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves. These treatments rarely damage the hair if they are done correctly. However, the hair can become weak and brittle if any of these chemicals are used too often. If hair becomes brittle from chemical treatments, it is best to stop until the hair grows out.

  • Hereditary thinning or balding

    Also known as androgenic alopecia, this is the most common cause of hair loss, and can be inherited from either the mother’s or father’s side of the family. While there is no cure, medical treatments are available that may help some people, including topical lotion applied to the scalp twice a day, which can be used by men and women.

  • Alopecia Aerata

    The cause of alopecia areata is unknown, but it is thought to be an autoimmune condition (the body makes antibodies to its own hair) that may affect children or adults of any age. This type of hair loss usually causes totally smooth, round patches about the size of a coin or larger. Although rare, it can result in complete loss of scalp and body hair. In most cases the hair regrows; however, dermatologists treat many people with this condition in order to make hair regrow faster. Treatment includes:

    • injections in the scalp where the hair loss occurred
    • topical medications
    • a special kind of light treatment
    • pills
  • Telogen Effluvium

    Illness, stress, and other factors can cause too many hairs to enter the resting (telogen) phase of the hair growth cycle, and it produces a dramatic increase in the amount of hair shed (effluvium), usually without bald patches. In many cases, telogen effluvium usually resolves in a few months on its own.

  • Tinea Capitis (scalp ringworm)

    Caused by fungal infection, tinea capitis is characterized by patches of scaling that can spread and result in broken hair, redness, swelling, and even oozing on the scalp. This contagious disease is most common in children, and oral medication will be given to cure it.

  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling)

    Children, and sometimes adults, will twist or pull their hair, brows, or lashes until they come out. Oftentimes this is just a bad habit that gets better when the harmful effects of the habit are explained.

  • Cicatrical (scarring) Alopecia

    This rare disorder can cause patchy hair loss and associated itching and/or pain. Inflammation around the hair follicle causes damage, scarring, and permanent hair loss in the affected area.

    Many men and women use chemical treatments on their hair, including dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves. These treatments rarely damage hair if they are done correctly.

Treatment of Choice

1. PRP Therapy

One of the most exciting new techniques in the field of hair loss is PRP Therapy. It involves injecting your own platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) into your scalp, which naturally encourages the growth factors in your blood to stimulate hair growth.

The treatment is safe and gives reliable results, with a quick recovery period and no downtime.

3. Hair Filler

You might be wondering how exactly this one works, but it’s one of the best ways to prevent hair loss. Hair filler consists of hyaluronic acid and biomimetic peptides that hold growth factors, enzymes, trace elements, minerals, and vitamins. 

For hair loss, the hair filler is applied through microinjection into the scalp. Ingredients are released into the skin and gradually become active during the prolonged-release period when they stimulate hair follicles and cells to promote hair growth.

This procedure helps to stop cell death, stimulates microcirculation, make the scalp healthy, and prevent hair loss.

2. Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a treatment that has been performed worldwide for many years. Normally used for facial rejuvenation, Mesotherapy for hair loss employs painless micro-injections with a composition of vitamins and active ingredients into your scalp. The results? Improved quality of hair and scalp, reduced hair loss and strengthened locks.

4) Alopecia Treatment

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disease that causes hair loss in small, round areas of the scalp. Dermatologists can treat patients affected by alopecia areata. If a patient has patches of hair loss on the scalp or elsewhere, the treatment plan may include one or more of the following treatments:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Minoxidil
  • Oral Treatment
  • Excimer Laser/ Phototherapy


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